Adobe Lightroom: Getting Organized

Series II

This second series of video training will show you how to get organized. You'll learn how to manage and organize your images using folders, group them into collections and create smart collections, how to add keywords so you can sort and filter your photos, create smart previews so you can work offline, and much more.

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

Organizing with Folders

Learn how to use Lightroom's Folders panel to organize, move and rename folders and images. By moving and renaming folders and images from within Lightroom you will avoid problems ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

How to Use Lightroom Collections & Smart Collections

You'll learn about organizing your images using collections and smart collections. They're an extremely useful means ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

How to Sort, Organize and Rank Your Images

Learn time-saving ways of using Lightroom's pick flags, star ratings and color labels in the Library Module to cull, organize and ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

Adding Keywords to Your Images in Lightroom

Add keywords to your images to make them easy to find later. Lightroom offers several ways for tagging your images in the Library grid view. In this video tutorial, I will go over the keyword panel ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

How to Find Your Photos Using Filters

In this video tutorial learn how to search your catalog by keywords, EXIF data and other metadata. Lightroom calls the search function "Filtering" and you'll find this tool in the Library Module grid view ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

How to Group Your Images into Stacks

Using stacks can make browsing your catalog much easier. What's a stack? Basically, you can group similar images together in a stack and you'll just see the top image with the rest of them  ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

Automatically Stacking Images

The Stack Images by Capture Time feature is very useful when
you have 100's of photos that you want to group into different stacks, for example when you are shooting bracketed  ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

Using Smart Previews in Lightroom 5

Build low resolution versions of your images so you can edit your photos when they're not available, such as when they're stored on an external drive and you're traveling without it ...

How to organize your Lightroom images using folders

Working with Virtual Copies and Snapshots

A snapshot is a record of how an image looks at a certain point of development and you can get back to it with only one click. It's great for saving your progress ...

Creating a Copyright Preset

Creating a Copyright Preset

A copyright preset will instantly add your own copyright information to all your images, either as you import them or later on.

Adding a watermark

Adding a Watermark to Your Images

Learn how to create a watermark that you can add to your images when they are exported.


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