Adobe Photoshop Lightroom – Developing Your Photos

Explore Develop Module

Develop Module Overview

​A brief tour of the Develop Module interface. Learn some shortcuts for working with your images ...

Explore Develop Module

Explore the Adjustment Panels

​Get an overview of what each Adjustment panel tool does ...

Cropping and Straightening your photos in the Devlop Module

How to Crop & Straighten Your Images

​All about cropping, grid overlays like the rule of thirds and straightening the horizon... 

Spot Removal: Healing and Cloning in Lightroom 5

Spot Removal Tool - Cloning and Healing

​Lightroom's Spot Removal tool has both a cloning and healing function. Learn how to heal blemishes, remove objects and ...

Lightroom Tutorial: How to Use the radial Filter to spotlight an element of you image

How to Use the Radial Filter

The Radial Filter is great for off-center vignetting or adding a subtle highlight to an area or multiple areas of your image. It offers you another way to adjust a selected part of your image ...

Set off you image with a vignette in Lightroom's Develop module

Learn How to Add a Post Crop Vignette

A vignette is a subtle darkening -- or lightening around the edges of your image and it's a popular way of adding a finishing touch to your photo.

Making images load faster in Lightroom's Library and Develop Modules

Making Lightroom Run Faster

If Lightroom starts to slow down and and seems to take forever to import images or load them in the Develop or Library modules, here are some tips to help make it run faster.

Here's the trick to making your raw images look more like the jpeg previews when you import them into Lightroom

How to Make Raw Images Look More Like the JPEG Previews

You may think there's something wrong when your raw images look drab and muddy after you import them. Nothing's wrong, but you can make them look more like the JPEG previews you saw on the back of your camera.

Learn how to adjust individual colors using Lightrooms HSL Panel

Changing Individual Colors with the HSL Panel

Lightroom gives you a lot of control over the individual colors in your image. Learn how to adjust the hue, saturation and luminance of specific colors instead of universal color changes to the whole image.

Using Lightroom's Visualize Spots to Find Image Dust

Using Visualize Spots to Find Sensor Dust

An easy way to see lens dust and dirt specs on your image so you can remove them with the Spot Healing tool.

Level an image or correct perspective

Straightening a Tilted Horizon or Slanted Building

You can either use the Straightening Tool to level a horizon or the Upright Tool for more complex perspective correction

Understanding Lightroom's History Panel

Working With Lightroom's History Panel

The History Panel list every fix you've made to your image since you imported it. The great thing about it, is that the whole history is always there, every step. Here are some tricks you can do with it.

Creating a standard import preset in Lightroom

Creating an Import Preset

Learn how to create and save a preset that you can use when you import new images. This can be a big time-saver.

Reducing the opacity of a Lightroompreset

Fading a Preset

If you applied a preset and it just looks too strong, don't worry. In this video I'll show you how you can fade, or reduce the opacity of the preset.

How to convert a color photo to b&w

Black and White Conversion

In this tutorial I'll show you several ways you can convert your image to black and white

Dehaze slider

Using the Dehaze Slider

Removing haze, fog or flare is easy now, using the Dehaze slider in the Effects Panel. Get my tips in this tutorial.

Undoi or reset Lightroom adjustments

Undoing Your Edits with the History Panel & Reset Button

Lightroom gives you numerous ways to undo your adjustments in the Develop Panel. Here's how to undo any change at any time in your workflow.

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