Adobe only released Lightroom CC 2015/Lightroom 6 in April, but already they’ve come out with an incremental “dot” update. There’s also a pretty big update for Photoshop CC. If you’re a Creative Cloud subscriber you get some exciting new features, including a Dehaze slider and local adjustments for Whites & Blacks. […]
18 posts
A reader asked me if there’s somewhere to find out what all the little symbols mean on the images you see in the Library Module’s Grid View, so I thought I’d turn it into a brief tutorial. You may have noticed there are little icons all around your image cell and […]
I’m so excited that Adobe has finally released Lightroom 6, and I think you will be too! There is a standalone version and if you subscribe to Adobe’s Creative Cloud Photographers Plan, you’ll see Lightroom CC in your panel. It’s the cloud version of LR6. While this isn’t a huge upgrade […]