Adobe Says It Will Return to the Old Lightroom Import Dialog

I’m happy to report that Adobe has listened to all the Lightroom users who have been setting the forums on fire with complaints about changes to the Import Dialog plus crashes and bugs after the updates earlier this month. These were updates called Lightroom CC 2015.2/Lightroom 6.2 and then CC 2015.2.1/6.2.1 which at least partially fixed the performance issues.

Adobe says it will be reverting to the old Import Dialog in their next “dot” release (which will be 6.3 / CC 2015.3), and they promise to listen to their users before making big changes next time.  There isn’t a date yet for a new update, but I will let you know when it is available. In the meantime, unless you have a pressing need for new camera or lens support from the last update, you might as well wait for the new one. If you already updated and are having problems or hate the new Import Dialog, you can revert back to Lightroom CC 2015.1or 6.1 as I explain at the bottom of this post.

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